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Synopsis – Veterinary Medicine

Course Synopsis - Veterinary Medicine

VAN 211     Introduction to Veterinary Anatomy                              3 Credits

                                (30hrs lectures, 45hrs practical)

  • Introductory lecture on the basic concepts of Veterinary Anatomy.
  • Anatomical terminology and nomenclature.
  • Lectures and practical on topographical Anatomy.
  • Lectures and practical on the musculoskeletal system of eight domestic animals.

          VAN 212      Avian Anatomy                                                                                    2Credits

                        (15hrs lectures, 45hrs practical)      

  • Lectures and practical on the Anatomy of birds.

           VAN 221     Splanchnology                                                                                      3 Credits

               (30hrs lectures, 45hrs practical)

  • Lectures and practical on the visceral organs of animals.

       .   VAN 222    Micro Anatomy (Histology)                                                                4 Credits

               (30hrs lectures, 90hrs practical)

  • Introduction to Microscopy and Microscopic Techniques.
  • The structure based on light and electron microscope.
  • Basic body tissues: epithelial, glandular, connective, muscular and nervous tissues.
  • Systemic histology of the organ systems and the comparative histology of the organ systems of domestic animals.

           VAN 311     Embryology                                                                                           3 Credits

               (30hrs lectures, 90hrs practical)

Normal developmental process of mammalian and avian body systems based on light and electron microscope from the zygote to the basic body plan.

Comparative microscopic morphology and development of the various body systems in the avian and domestic animals.

            VAN 312    Comparative Anatomy                                                                       3 Credits

     (30hrs lectures, 45hrs practical)

Comparative Anatomy of horse, ox, sheep, goat, pig, dog, and cat.

            VAN 512    Applied Veterinary Anatomy                                                            2 Credits

(30hrs Lectures, 30hrs Practical)

Topographic morphology of domestic animals with special reference to surgical and medical practice. A review of Gross Anatomy relevant to meat inspection, obstetrics and gynaecological problems in animals.

                  CVM  121                            Introduction to Veterinary Medicine              2 Credits

(3 hrs lectures, 1hr practical)

Early listing of Veterinary Medicine; origin of modern Veterinary Medicine.

Veterinary Medicine as an art and science. Veterinary science as a profession – development in Nigeria, scope and objective of Veterinary medicine and its relation to national Economy and Human Health. Veterinary Public Health activities. Animals and their relationship to ecological balance. Ecological factors affecting the distribution and productivity of animals.

                  VPP  212                              Veterinary Physiology 1                                     4 Credits

(3hrs lecture, 1hr practical)  

Introductory Physiology, Blood cardiovascular and respiratory system.

The scope of Veterinary Physiology and organization of the body into different systems. Body fluid compartments, homeostasis, structure and function. Transport across cell membranes.

Blood, function and control mechanisms of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Comparative study of digestion and absorption on birds, mônogastric, ruminant animals.

                   VPP 221                              Veterinary Physiology 11                                   4 Credits

(3hrs lecture, 1hr practical)   

  • Neuromuscular systems, Excitable tissues and generation of action potentials.
  • Peripheral Nervous System. Central Nervous system. Spinal cord and brain stem functions.
  • Somatic sensory mechanism. Regulation of motor activity by the brain.
  • Hypothalamic and limbic systems and functions.
  • Sleep, wakefulness, the eye and vision. Taste, smell and hearing. Vestibular system.
  • Neuro – physiological basis of behaviour.
  • Physical and chemical environment.

 VPP  313               Renal Functions and Body Fluid, Reproduction and Endocrinology (3hrs lecture, 1hr practical)                                                                                          4 Credits

  • Function of the systems, water electrolyte and base balance. The skin, minerals and bones.
  • Endocrine organs and their secretions. Characteristics and mode of action of hormones. Functions of male and female reproductive systems. Estrous cycles and puberty, Sexual maturity.
  • Pregnancy, parturition and lactation.  Fetal and neonatal physiology. Application of reproductive physiology in biotechnology.

                      VBC  213          Introduction to Veterinary Biochemistry

(3hrs lecture, 1hr practical)                                                               3 Credits

  • Structures and prosperities of carbohydrates, amino acids, protein, lipids and nucleic acids.
  • Metabolism of biomolecules:
    • Oxidative degradation of amino acids
    • Metabolism of purines and pyrimidines
    • Replication, Transcription and Translation
    • The gene and protein synthesis
    • Genetic code
    • Mutation of genes (Gene Mutation)
    • Repair of damage genes
    • Apoptosis in Veterinary Medicine

                         VBC  222       Veterinary Biochemistry  I                                                               

(30hrs lecture, 90hrs practical)                                         3 Credits

  • Membrane and membrane structures, chemical composition of membranes;

                     membrane dynamics; membrane transport.

  • Structure and biochemical roles of major cell compounds.
  • Vitamins and coenzymes.
  • Analytical Biochemistry.
  • Methods of isolation and identification of proteins.
    • Chromatography including GC-MS.
    • Nuclear magnetic resonance [NMR] and X-ray crystallography.
    • Electrophoresis and spectrophotometry.
  • Enzymology
    • Nature, classification and function and enzymes
    • Elementary enzymes kinetics.  Recent advances in Enzymology.
  • Bioenergetics
    • Introduction to electron transfer system/oxidative phosphorylation.
    •  Principle of bioenegetics
    • Recent advances in Bioenergetics.

                   VBC 312                              Veterinary Biochemistry II                                                                               

(3hrs lecture, 1hr practical)                                                               3 Credits

  • Biochemistry of body fluids
    • Biochemical composition of blood plasma proteins, chemistry of Haemoglobin and porphyrims.
    •  Formation of bile pigments, Blood clothing.  Chemistry of respiration and gas laws.
  • Biochemistry of Milk[Lactation Biochemistry]
  • Endocrine Biochemistry.
    • Nature and classification of hormones and hormone receptors.
    • Biochemistry of :-        –               Pituitary and hypothalamic hormones
      • Thyroid hormones
      • Calcium metabolism hormones
      • Adrenal cortex and medulla H.
      • Gonads and GIT Hormones.
  • Biochemical roles and recent and advances in endocrinology research.

      Animal Health and Production Unit

                 VAP 211               Introduction to Animal Health and Production                            

                      (1hr Lecture, 1 hr Practical) 

  • Livestock production systems
  • Comparative performance and health problems under various systems, socio-cultural considerations, breeding systems, special health problems in breeding, use of disease free sire or dam.  Routine health checks of breeding animals.
  • Biotechnology and applications in animal health and production.

                VAP 221 Principles of Animal Nutrition in Health and Diseases                 3 Credits

                                                (2hrs Lectures & 1hr Practical) 

  • Deficiencies, symptoms and treatments.  Comparative digestive systems of ruminants, equine, canine and avian species.
  • Feed/nutrients requirements in health and disease.
  • Disease interactions, role of nutrition in disease conditions.

               VAP 311 Health and Management of Small Ruminants and Micro Livestock   2 Credits

(1 hr Lecture, 1hr Practical) 

  • Management and housing, health care.  Health problems of intensive system of production of sheep and goats.
  • Parasites and diseases of fish under different systems of production.  Medical treatments of the disease conditions.
  • Parasitic diseases and treatments of snails.  Pest control in snail production.

               VAP 312 Health and Management of Large Ruminants and Horses          3 Credit

                                                (2hrs Lecture, 1hr Practical)

  • Diseases of beef and dairy cattle.  Diseases and health management of imported (exotic) breeds.  Diseases associated with traditional versus improved methods of production.
  • Breeding, disease control and health management of horses.  Stable management.
  • Management approach to health problems e.g. Vaccinations, parasites control periparturient problems, fertility, dystocia, mastitis, stress.  Diseases of calves, insemination, hoof care, dehorning etc.

         VAP 321    Health and Management of Non-ruminants (Poultry, Swine, Rabbits, Dogs and Cats)                  (2hrs Lecture, 1hr Practical)                                                         3 Credits

  • Health problems in poultry production in Nigeria.  Broiler, layers and breeders health problems and care.
  • Health Management of turkeys, guinea fowls, ducks, peacocks, ostriches and quails.
  • Swine production – diseases.  Vaccination routine, health care of the pregnant sow, heat detection and Artificial Insemination.
  • Diseases of rabbits, housing and health care.
  • Breeding and health management of dogs and cats.
  • Kennel management.  Disease and health management, routine vaccinations et

 VPC 324     General Veterinary Pharmacology                                              3 Credits

                                                (30hrs Lecture)

  • Introduction and history of modern pharmacology, sources and formations of drugs.  Mode of drug administration.  Physiochemist laws concerning the use of drugs in animals.
  • The absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of drugs with special reference to specific/abnormal responses of different species of domestic animals, aspects of pharmacology.
  • Introduction to environmental pharmacology and the role of the Veterinary in the environment.

                 VPC 411                Systemic Veterinary Pharmacology                                3 Credits

                                                (30hrs Lecture, 45hrs Practical)                                                                       

  • Drugs of veterinary importance used in modifying the functions of cells, tissues, organs and systems. Agents affecting central, peripheral and automatic nervous systems, cardiovascular and respiratory drugs. Agents influencing kidney function and body homeostasis.
  • Drugs affecting reproductive system.  Vitamins, minerals and hormones influencing metabolism and body growth. Locally acting drugs, antacids.
  • Molecular pharmacology and new strategies for anti-parasitic drug design.

                 VPC 423                Veterinary Toxicology                                                         2 Credits

                                                (3hrs Lecture, 45hrs Practical)         

  • General principles of toxicology including toxicological evaluation. Chemicals which poison specific organs such as liver, kidney, haemopoetic system etc.
  • Dangers inherent with pesticides and their misuse, hazards of drug over-dosage, toxicity due to poisonous plants and venomous animals of importance in Nigeria.
  • Mycotoxins, environmental toxicology and possible effects. Environmental contamination of annual feed, water and air, remedial and antidotal measures adopted to overcome poisoning in animals.

                VPC 424 Veterinary Chemotherapy                                                                2 Credits

  • History and development of modern chemotherapy.  Principles of chemotherapy as applied to animal medicine, misuse of chemotherapeutics and inherent dangers involved such as drug tolerance, drug resistance, drug hypersensitivity etc.
  • Local and systemic anti-infectious agents.  Chemotherapy of bacterial and mycotic infections. Internal and external anti-parasitic drugs. Aspects of cancer chemotherapy.
  • Introduction to Veterinary medicinal products.

                VPT 321 General Veterinary Pathology                                                          3Credits

                                                (30hrs Lecture, 45hrs Practical)                                                       

  • History and inflammation fundamental of pathology with special reference to causation and general body reaction (inflammation and repair) to infections and non-infections diseases of domestic animals, disturbances of growth/tumors.  Fundamentals of immunopathology.


                VPT 414 Systemic Vet. Pathology I                                                                                 3 Credits

                                                (30hrs Lecture, 45hrs Practical)                                                                       

  • Exploration of the functional and tissue alterations of the circulatory, respiratory, digestive and intergumentary systems.  The systems are examined on the reactions to specific groups of aetiological agents
  • Mammalian tumours of these systems are discussed.
  • Histopathologic correlations are examined in practical classes.

                VPT 415                  (Systemic Vet. Pathology II)                                                                             3 Credits

                                                 (30hrs Lecture, 45hrs Practical)                                                      

  • Lectures and demonstrations in the fundamental alterations of the nervous, musculoskeletal, haemopoietic, endocrine and urogenital systems.
  • The system are covered on the basis of gross and histologic reactions to specific groups of etiological agents and their tumours.


                  VPT 423               Special Vet. Pathology      (15hrs Lecture, 45hrs Practical)        2 Credits

  • Lectures and laboratory discussion of importance bacterial, viral, ricketsial, parasitic, nutritional, metabolic and endocrinal diseases.

                VPT 424 Avian Pathology   (15hrs Lecture, 45hrs Practical)        2 Credits

  • Avian systemic pathology, pathology of nutritional, bacterial, viral, mycotic, parasitic and neoplastic diseases of poultry.

                 VPT 511                Veterinary Clinical Pathology                       3 Credits

                                                (30hrs Lecture, 45hrs Practical)                                                                       

  • Clinical haematology, blood chemistry, urinalysis, organ functions tests, body tests, body fluids analysis, diagnostic cytology.

                     VPT 512            Diagnostic Clinics                                                  1 Credit

               VPT 521  Diagnostic Clinics                                                  1 Credit

VMB 321    General Veterinary Microbiology                                3 Credits

                                                (30hrs lecture, 45hrs Practical)                                                        

  • Historical development-evolution of microbiology concepts, microbial effects and application.  Morphology and properties of bacteria, viruses, fungi, mycoplasma, ricketsia and chlamydia.  Bacterial and fungal classification and genetics.  Dynamics of bacterial growth and metabolism. Isolation and characterization of bacteria and fungi. Quantification and chemotherapy of bacteria.  Microbial ecology. Disinfection and sterilization.

Physical, chemical and biological properties of viruses, virus classification and genetics.  Cultivation of viruses in laboratory animals, embryonated eggs and tissue culture. Theory of virus replication, purification and quantification.  Pathogenesis, diagnosis and chemotherapy of viral infections.

              VMB 322 Immunology         (15hrs Lecture, 45hrs Practical)                        2 Credits

Historical developments in Immunology, concept of immunity and specificity.  Cells and organs of immune response.  Antigens and antibodies.  Major histocompatibility complexes.  Complement system.  Antigen presentation cytokines and their roles in immune response.  Hormonal immune responses.  Cellular immune response.  Hypersensitivity reactions.  Immunity against infections.  Immunity against tumours.  Autoimmunity and related diseases.  Immunodeficiency and related disease.  Antigen -antibody reactions in vitro.  Transplantation immunology.  Immunoprophylaxis.

VMB 412    Pathogenic Bacteriology 1 (30hrs Lecture, 45hrs Practical)   3 Credits

Microbiological study of the following bacterial families with emphasis on physiochemical and biological properties, host range and transmissibility, pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis, immunity control and chemotherapy:  Enterobacteriacae, Pseudomenadaceae, Vibrionaceae, Neisseriaceae, Pasteareilaceae, Camphlobacteriaceae, Clostridiaceae, Erysepelothricheceae, Bacillaceae, Listeriaceae, Streptococcaceae, Staphylococcaceae, Corynebacterinaceae, Helicobacteriaceae, Lactobacillaceae.

 VMB 413              Pathogenic Bacteriology and Mycology II                                       2 Credits

                                                (15hrs Lecture, 45hrs Practical)                                                       

Microbiological study of the following higher bacterial families and specific fungal genera with emphasis of physiochemical and biological properties, host range and transmissibility, pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis, Immunity, Chemotherapy and control;  Mycobacteriaceae, Norcadiaceae, Actinomycetaceae, Fusobacteriaceae, Streptomycetaceae, Dermatophylaceae, Chlamydiaceae, Spirochaetaceae, Mycoplasmataceae, Rickettsiaceae, Histoplasma, Coccidiodomyces, Aspergillus, Cryptococcus, Candida, Histoplasma, Coccidiodomyces fasarrium, Penicillum, Sporothrix,

    VMB 423       Systemic Virology        (15hrs Lecture, 45hrs Practical)     2 Credits

Physio-chemical and biological properties, host range, transmissibility, pathogenesis of diseases. Laboratory diagnosis, Immunity Prevention and control of the following viral families and subviral agents:  Poxiviridae, Paramyxoviridae, Orthomyxoviridae, Tegaviridae, Flaviviridae, Bunyaviridae, Coronaviridae, Arenaviridae, Floviridae, Herpesviridae, Adenoviridae, Parvoviridae, Iridoviridae, Papovavirida

  VSR 411    General Surgery (15 Hours Lecture; 45 Hours Practical)                        2 Credits

Introduction- Tenets of Surgery; Surgical theatres; Surgical team; Patient Selection, assessment, Categorization and preparation; Asepsis, Sterilization; Aseptic preparation;  Preparation of Surgical equipment, Aseptic Surgical procedures; Wound healing; Wound management; Suture materials; Suture patterns; Knots and knot-tying; Suture failures; Techniques in suture removal; Shock; Heart failure; Fluid therapy; Instrumentation; Surgical accoutrements; Maintenance of instruments.

 VSR 421     Anaesthesiology (15 Hours Lecture; 45 Hours Practical)                        3 Credits

Introduction: Anaesthetic techniques; Uses of anaesthetics; Anaesthetic equipment and uses; Pre-anaesthetic medication; Induction of anaesthesia; Endotracheal intubations and maintenance of anaesthesia; Artificial ventilation (IPPV); Fluid therapy; Cardiopulmonary function and thermoregulation; Patient monitoring; Recovery from general anaesthesia; Regional and local anaesthesia; Anaesthetic accidents and emergencies; Anaesthesia in small animals, large animals, laboratory animals; wild animals and birds. Post operative management; Pain and its management in animals.



 3.  VSR 513 Small Animal Surgery (30 Hours Lecture; 45 Hours Practical)    3 Credits

Patient assessment, anaesthesia and restraints. Techniques for laparotomy/celiotomy; Surgical procedures of stomach, intestines, anus and anal glands/sacs; Basic cosmetic surgery, tail ducking, ear cropping, declawing (Onychectomy), Surgery of the liver, billary system and spleen; Urinary system, Ectopic ureters, Female reproductive system; Male reproductive system.  Affections of the eyes, ears, lips, oral cavity, tongue, salivary glands, teeth.  Urethras-tomy, Prostrate glands, Castration, Hernias. Surgery of the respiratory system; Thoracotomies and Basic cardiovascular procedures.

  VSR 523    Veterinary Orthopaedics (30 Hours Lecture, 45 Hours Practical)  3 Credits

Introduction: Bone and bone healing; Fractures; definitions, classification, diagnoses and treatments; Strains and sprains; Techniques for fracture repair; Management of fractures of hind limbs; luxation, subluxation, ostechondrosis dissecans; Non-traumatic causes of lameness; infections, nutritional, congenital, neoplastic, vascular disorders.

    VSR 525                Veterinary Radiology          (15 Hours Lecture; 45 Hours Practical)           2 Credits

Basic physics of radiology, X-ray production and interaction with matter. Diagnostic radiology, Radiographic techniques; Making radiographs, Dark room procedures. Interpretation of Clinical radiographs. Regional radiology of the head, thorax, abdomen and limbs. Radiation protection and safety. Contrast studies, Specialised imaging methods, Ultrasonography, Computed tomography, Echocardiography, Magnetic resonance imaging, Nuclear scintigraphy, Filmless radiograph, Computed radiography, Direct digital radiography, Radioscopy, Therapeutic radiology, Radiobiology.

    VSR 527  Surgical Exercises I  (45 Hours Practical)                                                                   1 Credit

  Practical demonstration of all small animal surgeries.

VSR 612 Large Animal Surgery & Lameness   (30 Hours Lecture; 45 Hours Practical)   3 Credits

Surgical procedures of the head, neck, eyes, ears; Upper and lower respiratory systems, pharynx, larynx, trachea; Caesarean section in horses, cattle, camels, donkeys, sheep, goats and pigs.  Abdominal wall; Mammary gland surgeries, Urinogental system; Hernias; Lameness; Causes, classification and clinical signs of lameness; Examination of animals for lameness; Definition, diagnoses and management/treatment of various lame conditions.

      VSR 621           Surgical Exercises II             (45 Hours Practical)                                                                       1 Credit

Practical demonstration of all large animal surg

VTH 511 Andrology and Artificial Insemination (15 Hours Lecture; 45 Hours Practical)   2 Credits

  • Clinical assessment and selection of the male animal for breeding purposes.
  • Examination of male reproductive organs.
  • Mating in animals.  Male infertility.
  • Diseases associated with male reproduction.

 VTH 522                Gynaecology, Teratology, Udder-Health and Neonatal                                4 Credits

                                                (30 Hours Lecture; 90 Hours Practical)

  • Functions and clinical conditions of female reproductive organs of animals.  Puberty and sexual reproductive hormones and glands.
  • Oestrus cycle, copulation, fertilization, gestation. Anomalies of foetal development, Oogenesis, disturbances of ovulation and nidation.
  • Infertility and sterility in female animals – their causes and management.
  • Disease influencing sexual functions.  Mastitis and its management, Udder health and management in milking and dry dairy animals.
  • Dairy farm management.  Mammary tumours in animals.
  • Care of the new born.  Neonatal diseases.  Congenital anomalies.

 3.          VTH 615  Obstetrics (15 Hours Lecture: 45 Hours Practical)                                        2 Credits

  • Diseases and accidents associated with gestation, parturition and their complications. Obstetrical procedures and post management complications.

       VEM 421         Introduction to Veterinary Medicine                                              3 Credits

Introduction to medicine, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, prognosis. Different methods of diagnosis, general systematic state, fever, heat stroke, snake bite, diseases caused by chemical agents and allergy, signs of health and of diseases.

       VEM 512         Avian Medicine                                                                                    2 Credits

Introduction, aetiology, transmission, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and control of viral, bacterial, parasitic, mycotic, rickettsial and nutritional deficiency diseases of domestic fowl, ducks, turkeys, geese, pheasants etc.

         VEM 516       Small Animal Medicine                                                                       4 Credits

Introduction, aetiology, symptoms, transmission, diagnosis, treatment and control of bacterial, parasitic, viral, Rickettsial and mycotic diseases of Cats and Dogs, Non-infectious diseases of cats and dogs.

        VEM 524        Aquatic, Laboratory and Wild Life Medicine                  2 Credits

Distribution of zoo gardens and parks in Nigeria.  Definition of zoological animals and their diseases.   Practice of veterinary medicine in zoo animals. Major diseases of laboratory animals.  Fish culture and fish diseases, Bee culture and harnessing micro livestock.

         VEM 525       Porcine Medicine                                                 2 Credits              

Introduction, aetiology, symptoms, transmission, diagnosis, treatment and control of viral, bacterial, parasitic, mycotic and rickettsial diseases of pigs with reference to diseases prevalent in Nigeria.

        VEM 613        Ruminant Medicine                                                                                             2 Credits

Introduction, aetiology, symptoms, transmission, diagnosis, treatment and control of viral, bacterial, parasitic, mycotic and rickettsial diseases of domestic ruminants with reference to disease prevalent in Nigeria. Non-infectious diseases of domestic ruminants.

        VEM 624        Equine Medicine                                                                                  2 Credits

Introduction, aetiology, symptoms, transmission, diagnosis, treatment and control of viral, bacterial, parasitic, mycotic and rickettsial diseases of Horses, Camels and Donkeys with reference to disease prevalent in Nigeria. Non-infectious diseases of horse, camels and donkeys.

    VPH 321   Biostatistics                                                                                           2 Credit

  • Definition
  • Application of biostatistics in Veterinary Medicine & Research
  • Types of statistics, descriptive and inferential
  • Data: Sources, classification and presentation
  • Population: population at risk, study population, sample population
  • Samples and sampling methods, measure of central tendency: mean,  median, mode
  • Measure of variability, Probability and Probability distribution
  • Statistical inferences: test of hypothesis, chi-square, t-test, f-test, analysis of variance, linear correlation and regression
  • Statistical packages

  VPH 511   Epidemiology & Public Health Management                             2 Credits

  • Definition
  • Scope and application in Veterinary Medicine
  • Basic concepts and methods
  • Phases descriptive, analytical and experimental
  • Approaches to epidemiology,  medical detection, ecological and mathematical
  • Methods of epidemiologic investigations, observational studies, experimental, cross sectional, case-control, cohort studies
  • Diseases in populations, population at risk, relative risk, odd ratio
  • Determinants, epidemiologic association
  • Disease occurrence, frequency, trend, pattern, temporal and spatial distribution
  • Heard health, immunization, pre-immunization, therapy, screening tests and mass action against economic diseases
  • Introduction to Epidemiological models

        VPH 522        Preventive Medicine and Jurisprudence                        2 Credits

  • Definitions of disease control, prevention and eradication
  • Methods of disease prevention: quarantine, immunization, mass treatment, depopulation and environmental hygiene. Early diagnosis, public education as a preventive tool
  • Preventive avian medical practice, specific prevention and eradication programmes for avian diseases of economic importance
  • Herd health management, targets of animal health and production performance, components of herd health management programme. Costs and benefits of herd health programme
  • Record keeping in herd health and monitoring, Control of specific diseases in Nigeria
  • Diseases reporting and Veterinary economics, Cost-benefit analysis of disease control strategies
  • Definition of terms used in law and jurisprudence. Ethics and Jurisprudence in Veterinary Medicine, Professional Oaths, Veterinary laws and drug laws
  • Legal and professional responsibilities of Veterinary surgeons in the control of animal movements, animal diseases, meat inspections, animal husbandry
  • Law in wildlife and fish handling and management
  • Organization of Veterinary services in Nigeria
  • Laws guiding disease reporting in Nigeria

         VPH 622               Meat, Milk, Fish Inspection & Hygiene                            2 Credits

  • Principles of meat hygiene
  • Biological and chemical bases of meat hygiene, ante-mortem and post-mortem procedures
  • Descriptions of various categories of slaughter facilities in Nigeria
  • Basic construction and principles of a functional abattoir
  • Potable water supply.  Food preservation methods: canning, freezing, smoking, etc
  • Water, meat and milk-borne diseases from beef, pork, poultry, fish and shellfish. Specific food-borne diseases.  Food micro-flora and spoilage, food poisoning
  • Detection of drug residues in meat
  • Milk and milk products, inspection and laboratory examination for milk quality and milk keeping quality
  • Effluents and their disposals

           VPH 611             Zoonosis and Environmental Health                                                2 Credits

  • Definitions
  • Classification of zoonoses
  • Socio-economic significance of zoonoses.  Detailed discussion of the epidemiology of major zoonotic diseases in Nigeria; (bacterial, viral, protozoan, parasitic, mycotic and rickettsial, the study to include etiology, reservoirs, transmission, clinical forms and manifestation in humans, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control and emerging and re-emerging zoonosis
  • Veterinary and medical collaboration in zoonoses: diagnosis and control
  • Environmental hygiene and pollution
  • Water: sources, quality and purification
  • Rodents and pest control
  • Public health significance of control of pollution, rodents and pests

            CVM 623   Application of Computer in Veterinary Practices        3 Credits

  • Introduction to Computer, Microsoft Word and Spreadsheet Microsoft Excel.
  • Application in Analytical Epidemiology: In Case Control, Cohort and Cross sectional studies.
  • Epi-informatics and Animal Health Risk Assessment, Relative Risks, Odd Ratios and Association between Disease Risk Factors and Occurrences.
  • Use in Animal Disease Survey, Surveillance and Monitoring
  • Application of Ms-Excel Chart types for Disease trends and patterns in Epidemiology
  • Development of Epidemiologic Models for treatment, control and prevention of Animal Diseases
  • Use in Disease Diagnoses, scanning, clinical investigation and detection of signs/symptoms.
  • Application in Veterinary Records, including morbidity and mortality, crude and specified measurements
  • Introduction to Common Veterinary/Medical Statistical software’s.